Monday, November 30, 2009

Interpret This Truth (BITCHES!)

I am no athlete, but just like someone who waits for the gun to fire before a race my heart pumps furiously right before a critique. Normally I come prepared, or at least think that there is some merit in what has been created. This was the case with the above illustration meant to show a relationship. However when trying to address the compositional problems of the first (which I didn't completely agree with) and place in color everything came crashing down. Won't go into detail with all the circumstances that produced the monstrosity below because you all have eyes of your own and thus own judgments.

But the worst part is having to show my very talented class and knowledgable teacher what I had done. It was awful. I dreaded it so much that my dreams the night before were filled with chastisement and suffocating shame that would crush even the strongest of backs.

So look upon the soft black and white version as the true image, and the color as only a shallow unnatural abberation of something that deserved more.

1 comment:

  1. Aghhh! I totally know how you feel! I'm starting to really hate using color in that class. At least you did better than me. I think I kinda made Sal mad because I keep failing at color value. DX
